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Similar to a fauchard in design, the naginata is a heavy curved blade on the end of a long pole. A naginata has reach. It can be used to strike opponents 10 feet away, but can not be used against adjacent foes.

The orc double-axe consists of a pair of large double-sided axe heads mounted on a pole. An orc double-axe is a double weapon. It can be fought with as if fighting with two weapons, but incurs all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a quarterstaff in one hand can not use it as a double weapon, only one end can be used in any given round.

Sometimes called a bohemian ear-spoon. The partisan consists of a central spike with two slashing axe-like spikes protruding from the sides of the main blade. A partisan has reach. It can be used to strike opponents 10 feet away, but can not be used against adjacent foes.

Partisan (Illustration by Attilla Adorjany)

PILUM (javelin):
A thin spear, over a third of its length is metal. Masterwork javelin, ornate in design and crafted, usually, for one-shot throws before drawing a primary weapon. If a ready action is used to await charging, or approaching opponents, it may target their shield (if used) instead of the creature. If the attack hits, the Pilum causes the shield to take a armour check penalty, depending on the weight of the shield. Bucklers and Light shields suffer a -2 armour check penalty and deliver 1 point of damage to the carrier. Heavy or tower shields suffer a -1 armour check penalty on a successful hit, but no damage is done to the carrier. Alternatively the pilum may be used to attack an enemy's shield (and only the shield) as a sunder attempt. This attempt can be made at range. If attempted in melee combat, this draws attacks of opportunity unless the wielder also has the Improved Sunder feat. If the pilum deals more damage than the shield's hardness, the spear is stuck in the shield. This deals only 1 point of damage to the shield regardless of how much damage was actually done over the hardness. While the pilum is attached to the shield, after the sunder, the target must drop the shield or suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to Armour class and on attack rolls and Reflex saves due to the added weight and awkwardness. Removing a pilum takes 2D4 rounds.

Pilum (Illustration by Attilla Adorjany)

An improvised weapon. treat as a dagger without a range increment. As an improvised weapon, it suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls when used in this fashion.

PUGIO (dagger):
Masterwork dagger, ornate in design and used primarily by Legionnaires. Unlike the normal dagger, there is no bonus to Slight of Hand checks made to conceal this weapon on your body.

The favoured weapon of many common folk, the quarterstaff is a simple 6-foot-long pole. A quarterstaff is a double weapon. It can be fought with as if fighting with two weapons, but incurs all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a quarterstaff in one hand can not use it as a double weapon, only one end can be used in any given round.

A ranseur consists of a central spike flanked by two smaller prongs and backward-facing hooks. A ranseur has reach. It can be used to strike opponents 10 feet away, but can not be used against adjacent foes. With a ranseur, the wielder gains a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails).

A ritiik is a spear-like weapon with an additional hooked blade protruding from the base of the spear head. When successfully hitting a target with a ritiik, it can be twisted and the hook this blade into the target's flesh if the target fails a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + the damage dealt). If the target is hooked, the weapon can be used to immediately make a trip attack against the target. If the trip attempt fails, the ritiik can be dropped to avoid the retaliatory trip attack. The damaged creature can pull the ritiik from its wound if it has two free hands and takes a full round action to do so, but it deals damage to itself equal to the initial damage the ritiik dealt. A character who succeeds on a DC Heal check can remove the ritiik without further damage.

Also called a grasping pole. A dull crescent-moon blade placed atop a long pole, the sasumata is a pole arm designed to capture opponents with a minimum of harm. A wielder who hits a Small or Medium opponent with a sasumata can immediately initiate a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. In addition to the normal options available to the grappler, the wielder of the sasumata can attempt to pul the target to the ground (the equivalent of a trip but no attack roll is necessary). A sasumata has reach. It can be used to strike opponents 10 feet away, but can not be used against adjacent foes.

A shortspear is small enough to wield one-handed. It may also be thrown.

A spiked chain has reach. It can be used to strike opponents 10 feet away, and unlike most reach weapons, can be used against adjacent foes. Treat a chain as a two-handed improvised weapon. Because the chain can wrap around an opponent's leg or other limb, it can be used to make trip attacks. If the wielder is tripped during their own trip attempt, the chain can be dropped to avoid being tripped. when using a spiked chain the wielder gains a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails). The Weapon Finesse feat can be applied to the wielder's DEX modifier instead of the STR modifier to attack rolls with a spiked chain sized for the wielder, even though it is not a light weapon for the wielder.

The sodegarami, entangling pole, or sleeve-tangler, is a highly specialized weapon used to catch and entangle an opponent without causing great harm. It is normally used to hook and catch the clothing of an opponent. when used, a grapple attack must be made without provoking an attack of opportunity. A melee touch attack with the weapon to 'grab' the target's clothing. This attack does not work against a character in heavy armour, or against most monsters that do not wear clothing. If the touch attack is successful, an opposed grapple check is made with a +4 bonus on the check (gaining no bonus for the wielder's size but still suffering any penalties they might have). If the wielder wins the opposed check, they have a hold on the target but do not deal any damage. If the wielder loses, they fail to start a grapple. To maintain the grapple, the wielder does not need to move into the opponent's space. The sodegarami holds the opponent 10 feet away from the wielder. While maintaining the grapple, there is no option to damage or pin the opponent. The opponent can try to escape or wriggle free, attack with a light weapon, or cast a spell with no somatic components and a casting time of 1 standard action. A sodegarami can also be used as a normal weapon dealing piercing damage. A sodegarami has reach. It can be used to strike opponents 10 feet away, but can not be used against adjacent foes.

One of the simplest weapons in existence. The spear can be thrown. If using a ready action to set a spear against a charge, it deals double damage on a successful hit against a charging character.

A spetum is similar to a ranseur but on a shorter pole. With a spetum, the wielder gains a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails).

Spetum (Illustration by Attilla Adorjany)

Primarily used as a ship to ship weapon. This noxious grenade is made by stuffing salt peter, sulfur, a type of gum resin called asafetida, and decaying fish into large earthenware jugs. Using the stink pot requires lighting the oxtail wick and hurling it down onto the opposing ship from the main-tree ( a stand on the main mast) or any great height overlooking the target area. Once thrown there is a 50% chance the fuse fails or is doused, before smashing as a splash weapon. Inhaling the foul mixture forces everyone within 10-feet of where it lands to make a DC 15 Fortitude save or become sickened for 1D4 minutes.

This L-shaped wooden club has a stone head attached, making it the forerunner of the heavy mace. Primarily used by primitive barbarians.

This stone has chipped edges for cutting that fits into the palm. Warriors may carry stone handaxes for sentimental or superstitious reasons even after flint-edge knives and steel daggers have made them obsolete. Primarily used by primitive barbarians.

This sword is popular as an off-hand weapon.

This weapon consists of a long curved blade mounted at the end of a long pole. A talenta sharrash has reach. It can be used to strike opponents 10 feet away, but can not be used against adjacent foes. A talenta sharrash can make trip attacks. If the wielder is tripped during their own trip attempt, they can drop the talenta sharrash to avoid being tripped.

A throwing axe is lighter than a hand axe and balanced for throwing.

The voulge is simply a long cleaver blade mounted on the end of a long pole. A voulge has reach.  It can be used to strike opponents 10 feet away, but can not be used against adjacent foes.

Voulge (Illustration by Attilla Adorjany)

Last Updated: 16th October 2005

Based on the entries in Player's Handbook 3.5 Page 114-121 and Dragon Magazines #328, 331