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MAGIC ITEM: Dragonfly Longship

Four gossamer wings spread from the sides of this elegant longship. The aft trails a 60-foot-long iridescent blue tail that terminates in a black bulb. Kings covert these fast ships for their ability to scout and patrol borders.

The tail bulb constantly secretes acidic goo, and once every 1D4 rounds the tail can convulse and fling a ball of acid. Only the vessel's captain or has designated gunner may direct the tail to attack, and doing so is a standard action. The goo sphere has a range of 200 feet and explodes into a 10-foot-radius blast, dealing 8D6 points of acid damage. A successful DC 15 Reflex save halves this damage. A creature that fails its save suffers 1D6 points of acid damage on each of the following 3 rounds unless it uses a standard action to rinse off the acid.

Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, Fly, Limited Wish, Melf's Acid Arrow

Aura: Strong Transmutation and Evocation

Caster Level: 17th

Market Price: 175, 000gp

Cost to Create:

AC (? Size): Typical for a longship


Hit Points: Typical for a longhsip

Hardness: Typical for a longship

Weight: Typical for a longship

Based on an entry in Dragon Magazine #331 May 2005 by Frank Brunner