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School: Transmutation
Subschool: -
Descriptor: -
Level: Druid 2, Ranger 2, Plant 2
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Divine Focus
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes per level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Barkskin toughens a creature's skin. The effect grants a +2 enhancement bonus to the creature's existing natural armour bonus. This enhancement bonus increases by 1 for every three caster levels above 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at caster level 12th.

The enhancement bonus provided by Barkskin stacks with the target's natural armour bonus, but not with other enhancement bonuses to natural armour. A creature without natural armour has an effective natural armour bonus of +0, mush as a character wearing only normal clothing has an armour bonus of +0.

Based on the spell in the Player's Handbook 3.5 Page 203