This is the talent and skill as well as knowledge of techniques and procedures in producing work considered good art. Art is a personal thing, and views and tastes often differ between individuals. An artistry skill Rating, however, demonstrates the ability to achieve competent results even at low levels.

(DEX ÷ 10) + (MIND ÷ 10) + (CHA ÷ 10). Critical success (1) results in a masterpiece or equivalent upon completion.


Critical success (see below) results in a piece of work of outstanding quality and desire.

Success shows competncy, quality is dependent on Rating, (see below).

Failure results in a flaw in the work; perspective, form, positioning, or some other aspect which detracts heavily from the finished article. The piece may be competent dependent upon the Rating, (see below).

Critical failure (see below) results in a major flaw in the finished article. The work, if a constructive piece (such as sculpture), has a flaw which is damaging to the finished product (breaks, shatters, tears etc). Pictorial work or craft (i.e. drawing, painting, textiles etc), critical failures result instead in a problem in practice, theory or medium (i.e. colour wrong, aspect, inferior medium etc).

Specifics may be taken once Artistry Rating reaches 20%, dividing the Rating by 2 and donating this new rating towards the specific. Experience success in basic Artistry may only be rewarded to basic Artistry, while experience success in the specific may be given to either the specific or the basic Artistry. Specifics may rise above the basic skill.

1-30 Amateur, fair quality. Critical success = 1. Critical failure = 85+
31-45 Good amateur, good quality. Critical success = 1-2. Critical failure = 88+.
46-50 Professional quality. Failure results in poor quality but still respectable. Critical success = 1-3. Critical failure = 90+.
51-60 Noted professional. Work has small following. Failure results in poor effort, only study can reveal actual problem. Critical success = 4. Critical failure = 95+.
61-70 Famed professional. Failures still fetch a fair price but are poor compared to examples of the artists work. Known by many people. Critical success = 5. Critical failure = 98+.
71+ Failures unnoticeable by unskilled observers. Critical success = 6. Critical failure = 100.

Linked with Computer operation, Computer programme, Occult, Folklore, Anthropology, Aerobiology, Astronomy, Botany, Camouflage, Geology, specific History skills (especially History: Art), Surveying, Photography, Psychology, Zoology, Civil engineering, Journalism, Sew, Carpentry, biology, Human biology, Xenobiology, Disguise, and many others.

MYSTIC or SPIRIT can be used to some benefit in some situations.

Specifics include:-

Specific Specialities include:-

