Knowledge of general history of the character's own world. Unless a Speciality is taken the information at the character's disposal is fundamental and is modified by the character's MIND, education, up-bringing, likes/dislikes, and timeline as well as the Tech-level. Lower Tech-levels generally are restricted to the character's history, which directly affected their own backgrounds and/or lands. Higher Tech-levels will probably be restricted to only important events and will mostly be political and/or of great upheaval type events, as well as being more widespread and less individual. High Tech-level characters may also know the history associated with other worlds.

1-25 General knowledge and some dates/personalities known, vague timeline data.
26-40 Clearer understanding of the timeline and dates/personalities as well as the position of major changes in history.
41-55 Good study of history, can relate all major influences on timeline and knows many little-known facts.
56-70 Trained in history. Can relate very well events of general timeline and knows a period of history in great detail. Gains 50% of current rating in a Speciality period of choice.
71-85 Professor of History. Can relate in-depth details on general timeline. Gains another 2 Specialities at 50% of current rating. (no division)
86+ History master. Can choose another 2 Speciality periods at 50% of current rating.


