This is the ability to speak with the correct manner, composure and the correct volume to reach all the target audience to which the speaker wishes to address. To some this comes as a talent, an innate ability to project a presence which commands to be listened to. This is not leadership however, it is not ordering people to listen through discipline. This is the art of audience capturing and their attentions through the skill of the voice and speech.

Oratory works best when speaking a prepared speech or when giving a lecture. The user of this skill may however use it whenever they wish to speak to a large body of people. The objective of oratory is to speak to people and have them listen and understand what is being said. The skill Rating gives the number of people that may be spoken to before having to use Charisma to boost Oratory to a greater effect. Of course Oratory can just be used to be enunciative. A successful Charisma roll doubles the number of people and the re-roll time. Critical success triples the number of people, doubles the re-roll time and the attention time is doubled. Failure gives half attention time and half the re-roll time. Critical failures reduce all responses by ¾ and a Chrisma roll failure gives a disapproving response.
