A robot vehicle is a craft which has had added limbs, manipulative devices and/or walks. Robotic vehicles may either be piloted from a fixed base or viewed with optic devices, or the pilot is actually within the robot vehicle. Robot vehicles usually have a fixed purpose, anything from mining vehicles, undersea exploration vehicles, construction, demolitions, and even combat orientated tasks. Robotics must be available to the technology as well as computers; this restricts the tech levels, which can have robot vehicles to medium tech levels starting with Industrial level tech. These medium tech vehicles are merely basic vehicles controlled by electronic, computer based controls within the parameters of the above. In higher tech levels however, the vehicle becomes much more complex and sophisticated. Pilots trained in their use can use vehicles, which resemble Humanoid form or animal form, effectively. Even combat models may be available which mimic the Human responses by being neuro-linked to the pilot, reacting as they think and instinct prevails. Size, often is large to massive, in order to include the complex engineering needed to perform. Training for such vehicles is long and difficult.

Ratings of up to 25% show incomplete training and either amateur ability and/or fundamental usage only.
Ratings of 26 - 45 show competence in basic piloting techniques and stationary functions.
Ratings over 45% give full range of abilities, but do not include actual combat techniques or weapons abilities, separate skills must be honed in order to use these as well.

Higher tech levels may modify these ranges as technology improves so does training time and ability. A speciality must be chosen for this skill, select many times for multiple robot vehicles.

Linked with Leadership, Hide, Sneak, Search, Climb, Jump, Lift, Swim, Computer use, Computer programme/hack, Demolition, Robot programming, Security, Scouting, Infiltration, Data tracking, Camouflage, Law, Surveying, Civil engineering, Environmental suit operation, Tactics, Communication systems, Mathematics (High), Life support systems, Astrogation, Computer repair and Mechanics.

Specifics include:-

Specific Specialities include:-
