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F EX (20)    
A EX (20)    
S GD (10)    
E EX (20)    
R TY (6)    
I GD (10)    
P TY (6)    
Health: 70      
Karma: 22      
Resources: RM (30)    
Popularity: 5      
Real Name: Alejandro Montoya
Occupation: Wealthy swashbuckler
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of Spain with no criminal record, currently on extended visa in U.S. in his civilian identity
Other Known Aliases: El Águila (The Eagle)  
Place of Birth: Madrid, Spain  
Marital Status: Single  
Known Relatives: None  
Base of Operations: New York City  
Past Group Affiliation: None  
Present Group Affiliation:  
Electric Shock : Aguila can discharge electricity built up in his own body through a conductive medium. Since his power only works through a conductive metal, he carries a yard-long, double-edged steel sword which he explains as housing a blaster (he does not want people to know he is a mutant). Since Aguila possesses only a limited amount of electricity, his power must be handled in a unique manner. He starts an adventure with 100 points of electrical damage. He releases this energy in any amount he desires, up to Amazing level. However, at the Amazing level he must make an Endurance Feat roll or be stunned from the exertion for 1-10 rounds. He can only unleash his energy once per round. These attacks can be in any combination he wishes, such as three Remarkable attacks and a Good attack, as long as they do not exceed his total. After he has drained his initial 100 point energy supply, he regenerates his energy at a rate of 10 points every round. For example, if he retreated for three rounds after he was drained, he would have another Remarkable attack ready. After 10 rounds of non-release he will be completely recharged. His energy will regenerate under any condition except while he is releasing it. He does not gain 10 points in any round he unleashes his blast. The electrical charge can be released by touching the target as an Edged attack, or fired through the air as an Energy attack with a range of up to 2 areas. His body generates and stores this bioelectricity in his central nervous system, and any excess produced is harmlessly released into the air.
  • Weapon Specialist: Sword (giving him +2 CS)
  • Speaks fluent Spanish
  • Speaks fluent English
Aguila has Excellent contacts with the poor communities of New York City for the purposes of gaining information about criminal activities in their neighbourhood.

Aguila fancies himself a swashbuckler in the Errol Flynn style. He thinks of himself as a modern day Zorro, righting wrongs and fighting for the poor. He is flamboyant and fancies himself a ladies' man.


Little is as yet known about the life of Alejandro Montoya, the costumed swashbuckler called El Aguila. Born in Spain, Montoya is a mutant whose superhuman power manifested itself while a he was a teenager. It is not known when or where Montoya undertook the art of fencing or if he adopted the identity of El Aguila before or after coming to America. El Aguila began to prey upon criminals, particularly drug dealers, slum lords and those whose criminal activities most affected the poor. It is probable that the money he confiscated from these criminals was redistributed to the poor. Since his activities have been outside the law, El Aguila has been wanted by the police and has found himself in conflict with Power Man and Iron Fist on several occasions.

Aguila once found himself in conflict with Hawkeye while investigating Cross Technological Enterprises . The two parted on amiable terms.

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