Antony (aka: Dude)

Dude (pron: Doody)Antony or more commonly Dude, (it used to be pronounced Doody but is typically just dood now), is one of the group's smokers and is the only challenger to myself for the person-who-does-not-shut up award. He DM's about equally to his playing, and produces many maps, diagrams and hastily well-drawn images for what his character sees. He is a very visual person, when it comes to role playing, he likes to use floor plans and figures where ever possible.

He has a keen understanding of systems but often does not follow them? He is full of old fashioned songs and theme tunes to forgotten TV programs, and is obsessed it seems with television, money and computers.

His main characters are the ones who will defy sense and leap where no fool would dare. He has strong convictions towards justice and hates being crap in his character stats. Dude is often the encouragement behind adventures, helping the DM sometimes by passionately following up leads, but occasionally becomes a pain when he refuses to let go of a possible lead, even when the others have and the DM has made it clear there is no further point in continuing.

He's favourite characters are outgoing problem characters, i.e. down-and-outs, lost faith preachers, or oddballs. Antony plays 'in character' as much as 'out' but stays within his character's parameters.

OWN SYSTEM: The Lands Of Dual (D20).

SYSTEMS RUN: Forgotten Futures, Cyberpunk, Justifiers, Call Of Cthulhu.

HOMEPAGE: The Lands Of Dual

FAMOUS LINE: "Do you remember this one....Laa..Laa..La.La!" "Right do you mean it looks like this?" Starts drawing.

Picture by Jeff Taylor©