Ray (aka The Shadow)

ShadowRay was all enthusiasm and saw life as one big laugh. Good enough for everyone to get along with his only failing being an excess of height and enjoyment, often stalling the whole club with his raucous laughter.

His characters were solid but usually a little thin on definition, his characterization was fair and his DM'ing competent if not loud.

He was a person you want in your Warhammer 40K army but not necessarily in your Call Of Cthulhu game!

DM's as much as plays, tended to stick to Shadowrun mostly, which he knew well.

Ray has since left the club.


SYSTEMS RUN: Vampire The Masquerade, Werewolf, Space Shadow, Birthright, Villains & Vigilantes, Changeling, Wraith, Merc 2000.


FAMOUS LINE: "HUWWWAAGGGHAHAHAH!" "Outside awe awmouwed thistles, but you might be able to get them with youw snipa wifle." "I wun awound the cawner and shoot my bow!" "They are his pyjamas!"

Picture by Antony Brotherton©