Backpack: Small 3gp 2lbs. Holds 25lbs. max. Leather or thick, waxed cloth.
Backpack: Large 10gp 6lbs. Holds 100lbs. max. Leather or thick, waxed cloth, on stiffened leather or hide frame.
Backpack: Typical 6gp 4lbs. Holds 50lbs. max. Leather or thick, waxed cloth.
Backpack Winter Cover 2gp+ 1lb.+ Complete covering of fleece and double flaps for backpacks.
Various sizes for range of backpacks. Cost and Weight noted is for Backpack: Typical.
Baldric 3-8gp 8oz-1lb. Various designs, made to measure or adjustable.
Bit + Bridle 8gp+ 4lbs. Various styles for most pez
Blanket: Wool, Long 2gp 3lbs. Uses Woolman sheep wool. Good quality. 8' long x 5' wide.
Blanket: Wool, Short 15sp 2lbs. Uses Woolman sheep wool. Good quality. 5' long x 5' wide.
Blanket: Wool, Very Long 3gp 5lbs. Uses Woolman sheep wool. Good quality. 12' long x 8' wide.
Bowstring: Good 3cp/1' 1oz/4' length Designed for typical use bows, such as for hunting.
Bowstring: High Quality 5cp/1' 1oz/4' length Designed for bows used frequently, such as war bows.
Bowstring: Superior 1sp/1' 1oz/5' length Designed for high-use bows, needing strength and durability.
Candle 1cp 4oz Burns for 8 Passages (1440 Rounds). Lights 5' well, 12' max.
Cape: Noblewool 25gp 2lbs. Very fine quality. Cape reaches to the hips.
Chalk: Dust 2cp 8oz Sold in pouches. White, powdered chalk. Can be sold in larger bags.
Chalk: Stick 2cp each 1oz/10 3" long, oblong, white.
Charcoal stick 2cp 1oz/4 sticks 4" long. Usually sold in cloth wrap.
Cloak: Noblewool 3pp 3lbs. Very fine quality. Cloak reaches to the knees.
Cloak: Wanderer 6-15gp 4-8lbs. Fleece cloak from north wanderer sheep skins. Very good against rain.
Lining is dyed red, black, d-brown, or white-grey. Fleece is white-grey or black outside. Various sizes.
Compass 40gp  4oz Very rarely available.
Cooking Pot: Copper 1pt 4sp 8oz Holds 1 pint. Has wire handle.
Cooking Pot: Iron 3 pt 1gp 1lb. Holds 3 pints. Has wire handle.
Cooking Pot: Iron 6pt 15sp 2lb. Holds 6 pints. Had wire handle.
Faggots: Great laughing or Red-Hilly 1sp 1lb. Laughing hilly sheep droppings, used to start fires etc. Dried and soaked in flammable oil.
Faggots: Laughing or Red-Hilly 5cp 1lb. Laughing hilly sheep droppings, used to start fires etc. Dried.
Finishing Stone 1sp 6oz Fine grade whetstone for very fine polishing or intricate blades.
Food: Fresh 3sp 10lbs. 5 days of fresh food. Meat optional.
Food: Horse 8gp 10lbs. 5 days food for horses or supplement for 30 days.
Food: Preserved 1gp 5lbs. 5 days of dried, pickled, salted, or oiled food. Meat optional.
Grappling Hook: Iron, 3-prong 8sp 2lbs. Has 1" eyehole on end. Blunt points.
Grappling Hook: Iron, 5-prong 12sp 3lbs. Has 2" eyehole on end. Blunt points.
Grappling Hook: Steel, 3-prong 3gp 1½lbs. Has 1" eyehole on end. Sharp points.
Grappling Hook: Steel, 5-prong 6gp 2lbs. Has 2" eyehole on end. Sharp points.
Grappling Hook: Steel Folding, 4-prong 1pp 2lbs. Has 2" eyehole on end. Sharp points.
Hammer: Steel 4gp 1lbs.+ Wooden handle. Steel handle +4gp.
Hammer: Stone 1gp 1lb.+ Wooden handle.
Holy Symbol: Silver DM DM Dependent upon the religion, holy symbols may not be available, may not be sold, or may be very expensive.
Holy Symbol: Wood DM DM Dependent upon the religion, holy symbols may not be available, may not be sold, or may be very expensive.
Holy Water DM DM Dependent upon the religion, holy water may not be sold or may be very expensive.
Horse Coat: Wool 2pp 15lbs. Long-eared plains sheep fleece in cream or black.
Goes under saddle, covers hind to hip joint and croup down to shoulder.
Horse Socks: Wool 5gp each 2lbs. each Long-eared plains sheep fleece in cream or black to cover legs from cold.
Jerkin: wool, Large 4gp 7lbs. Uses long-eared plains sheep wool. Very effective cold weather clothing. Serevmen size.
Jerkin: Wool, Medium 2gp 5lbs. Uses long-eared plains sheep wool. Very effective cold weather clothing Galaniŕ size.
Jerkin: Wool, Small 1gp 3lbs. Uses long-eared plains sheep wool. Very effective cold weather clothing. Hethin size.
Lantern 14sp 2lbs. Burns oil for 6 Passages (1080 Rounds). Lights 60' well, 100' max.
Long-Coat: Wool, Large 2pp 12lbs. Uses long-eared plains sheep wool. Very effective cold weather clothing. Serevmen size.
Reaches floor and has back split to allow riding.
Long-Coat: Wool, Medium 1pp 8lbs. Uses long-eared plains sheep wool. Very effective cold weather clothing. Galaniŕ size.
Reaches floor and has back split to allow riding.
Long-Coat: Wool, Small 5gp 5lbs. Uses long-eared plains sheep wool. Very effective cold weather clothing. Hethin size.
Reaches floor and has back split to allow riding.
Mallet: Wood 8sp 1lb. Wooden handle with wooden head secured with wooden wedge.
Mirror: Glass 20gp 8oz Wooden handle with polished steel plate and glass front.
Mirror: Silver 12gp 8oz Silver handle with polished silver plate.
Nails 3cp/10 2oz/10 1" long, iron.
Net: Casting 8sp/4'x4' 1lb/4'x4' Gut net with pull string. 4'x4' holds 30lbs. max.
Net: Fishing 3sp 8oz Small net on end of sturdy 4' long stick. Holds 15lbs. max.
Net: Throwing 1gp/5'x5' 2lbs./5'x5' Thick gut net with corner strings. 5'x5' holds 100lbs. max.
Oil: Fire (flammable) 2gp/pint 1lb./pint Sold in clay pots with stoppers, or for 1gp extra, in vials.
Oil: Lamp 5sp/pint 1lb./pint Sold in skins or for 5sp extra stoppered clay pots.
Oil Skin (waterproof) 1gp 4lb./5'x5' Square cloth soaked in rainproof oil.
Pick 16gp 3lbs. Wooden shaft. Stone, steel, or iron head.
Picking Kit: Basic 8gp 1lb. Various files, picks, mini-saws, mini-hammer, mini-crowbar, pliers, snippers, tongs, all wrapped in oilskin with ties.
Picking Kit: Large 2pp 4lbs. Various files, picks, mini-saws, mini-hammer, mini-crowbar, pliers, snippers, tongs, large saws, large crowbar, clamps, mini-winch, pitons, and large hammer, all wrapped in padded oilskin with buckles.
Picking Kit: Stealth 1pp 2lbs. Various files, picks, threadsaws, mini-crowbar, pliers, snippers, tongs, weak acid, lub-oil, gloves, all wrapped in padded oilskin with ties.
Picking Kit: Special 10pp 4lbs. Various files, picks, mini-saws, threadsaws, mini-hammer, mini-crowbar, pliers, snippers, tongs, weak acid, lub-oil, gloves, mini-mirrors, Keyfix, grease, all wrapped in padded oilskin with silenced buckles.
Pouch: Finger 2cp 1oz/10 Holds 6oz.
Pouch: Hand 4cp 1oz/4 Holds 1lb.
Purse 1sp-1pp 3oz-8oz Holds 8oz-1lb. 8oz. Varies in style, size, and quality.
Quiver 5sp-3gp 1-3lbs. Vary in style and quality. All hold 30 arrows or 20 bolts.
Rope: Crosstwine 5sp/1' 2lbs./5' Strong. Good for handling. Roughish. Burns normally, but slowly at first.
Resists submergence but not wet-dry. Prone to fibres snapping. 1" diameter. (Serevmen.)
Rope: Droff 3sp/20' 1lb./5' Strong. Burns easily. Friction burns common. General purpose rope. Poor quality.
¾" diameter. (Corven.)
Rope: Gribb 27sp/1' 12oz/5' Extremely strong. Course but does not cause friction burns. Grey in colour, contains fibres from Waded tree (pine). Resists water very well. Burns slowly, then normally.
Some Serevmen react with a rash from frequent use. 1¾" diameter. (Cairngrom.)
Rope: Handson 5sp/5' 1lb./1' Typical rope. Burns normally. Good climbing (≈ +10). Little friction burn. ½" diameter. (Serevemen.)
Rope: Hardenfast 5sp/4' 1lb./2' Very strong haulage rope. Used much for shipwork. Burns normally.
Rough but friction burns uncommon. Lasts long time in wet or submerged conditions.
2½" diameter. (Serevmen.)
Rope: Harfenrass 6gp/1' 1lb./25' Very strong. Soft but good for gripping. Burns very easily. 1" diameter. (Galaniŕ.)
Rope: Ranger's Cord 1gp/1' 4lbs./25' Strong. Resists water and cutting well. Burns normally.
Reddish-brown, using natural fibres from plants and hair. ¾" diameter. (Serevmen.)
Sack: Small 6cp 4oz empty Holds 5lbs. max
Sack: Large 15cp 8oz empty Holds 12lbs. max.
Sack: Typical 1sp 6oz empty Holds 8lbs max.
Saddle 60gp+ 10lbs.+ Various styles and uses.
Saddlebags 25gp-40pp 15-45lbs. Two bags sit on mount's rump. Each bag holds 100lbs. max. Waterproof.
Scroll 3gp 5oz 1' x 2' long
Shovel 10gp 3lbs. Wooden shaft with T-handle. Steel or iron head.
Silver Dust 12sp 3oz Sold in pouches.
Spade 12gp 2lb. Wooden shaft with T-handle. Steel or iron head.
Spike: Iron 3sp/4 8oz each Sold in fours. Usable four times each.
Spike: Wood 1sp/4 4oz each Sold in fours. Strengthened end for striking. Usable twice each.
String: Ball 5cp 1lb. 500' length.
String: Wind 3cp 8oz 100' length.
Time Candle 1sp 8oz Burns for 1 day (2880 Rounds). Lights 5' well, 10' max.
Made of Crama beetle-wax. Has markings to indicate time.
Tinder Box 5sp 8oz Water-sealed wooden box or for 2sp extra sealed tin. 30 uses.
Torch 3cp 1lb. Burns for 2 Passages (360 Rounds). Lights 30' well, 60' max.
Undergarments: Noblewool 5gp-1pp 3oz each
1lb. total
Very fine quality. Various parts of undergarments from socks to body vests.
Vial: Glass 5sp 3oz Holds ½ pint.
Vial: Steel 5sp 4oz Holds ½ pint.
Waterskin 4cp (empty) 8oz empty
7lbs. 4oz full
Holds 1 day water (6 pints). 1 pint of water weighs ≈ 19oz.
Whetstone 4cp 8oz Natural stone used for sharpening blades and tools.
Wick Lamp 1gp 1lb. Burns for 3 Passages (540 Rounds). Lights 30' well, 45' max.
Wine Skin 15sp empty 4oz empty
4lbs. 12oz
Holds 4 pints. Wine pint weight may vary slightly.
Wire: Copper 1gp/20' 8oz/20' Reel holds 200' max.
Wire: Steel 5gp/20' 1lb./20' Reel holds 100' max.

Lawner | Equipment


Last Updated: 1st October 2009