
This Manc creates an ectoplasmic-like gel with which the caster can manipulate to create a pushing force that stings or stuns victims with a shocking-like energy.

Used as a pushing force, it erupts from the caster's hands or their item like a stream of thick liquid that seems to retain its misformed shape upon appearing. It issues forth up to its range and hitting its target victim will give a shocking-stun attack that does 1D4 P.O.D. per Level of the caster to all the victim's attributes. Its strength upon casting is equivalent to a STR of 200 for lifting purposes, but its gel-like nature prevents it from normally damaging the victim physically through its own strength. Force Gel then oozes back into the caster within a single Round. Any Force Gel separated from the mass before this time is left behind, much like sap droplets from a tree, but for the caster's Level x 2 Rounds they can still give off the random damage if touched. The Force Gel seems to affect any living creature, even elementals, perhaps affecting their spirit or life essence rather than their physical bodies, although only contact activates this effect. It does affect spirits or incorporeal beings. It does not affect the caster, but may affect the user of an item they did not create themselves.

By increasing the Power Level by 2 levels the caster may also form the Force Gel to be used as a melee attack or defence weapon. The Force Gel is formed in the caster's, or user's, hands into a vague shape, such as club, whip, or pole shape and it then retains this shape for its Duration equal to the caster's Level x 5 Rounds. During its Duration it does 1D4 P.O.D. per Level of caster per contact to all of any victim's attributes. The wielder is unaffected. Once the Duration ends the gel is reabsorbed into the wielder's hands. If this Force Gel item is dropped during its Duration, it forms a simple blob, of approximate size and mass of the shape it was and is still dangerous to all except the caster. Any previous wielder is now susceptible to the stun damage effect, however, the caster is not, even if they did not form the shape originally. After adding the two Power Levels the Force Gel need not be made into a shape, but can instead be placed as a gel-substance into blobs or a blobby line. The maximum amount created is equal in pounds to the caster's Level x 2. Each pound of Force Gel can make two 6-inch blobs or one 2-foot-long line, or any variation within this limit. Once placed the blobs ignore slopes or small cracks and retain their position and shape unless touched and they give off their attack, then while in doing so they lose their cohesion momentarily and may run downhill or fall through a gap beneath them.

Force Gel can be resisted by the victim (Save Vs Manc). Force Gel by default is a dark green, translucent colour. However, by adding certain ingredients at creation, its colour can be changed to almost anything the creator wishes.

Force Gel can be dispelled at will, by the caster or creator. Banish Manc dispels it and any form of matter-conversion will also affect it, such as Stone, Vapourise, Freeze etc.

Spell Casting:-

Vocals and (at least one handed) gestures are both essential. With the Force Gel push it is to seemingly push the victim away, with the shaping of the Force Gel it needs to be in the formation of the shape or the dropping of the blobs or line.


old tongue words here
old tongue words here

Item Creation:-

The items can have coloured ingredients added of any colour, be that from ground crystals, fruits, or any ingredient. Life fluid from the creator, and sap from a plant are other ingredients needed, else the Power increases by 2. The glove simply performs the gestures to push or shape the gel, the rod similarly in a vertical fashion, but can also tap the ground to form blobs or else scraped across the floor to form a line. The spell is focused upon the hands and acts like the glove.

Item Vocals:

old tongue words here
old tongue words here

Spell 8



See Text 10 Feet
- -




See Text

30 Feet


1 Day

2 Movements

See Text 20 Feet
1 Day
2 Movements
Other 15 13



1 Round = 30 seconds