Aldis Ebwernf

Knowing what something can do or what qualities an item may have allows for quick and easy appraisal, and use of an unfamiliar item. Avoiding trial and error or Pentawaeks of research, this Manc clearly and simply states the properties that any given object, or item has or accomplishes. It may be used upon any object, item, piece of equipment, attire, or any Manc item and the properties will be revealed to the user in their language.

Sometimes the properties explained are not clear to the user unless there is some vague understanding of the items being examined. Used upon a pile of leaves that contain some leaves from the Tarse tree, for example, the properties listed may say: Dead and dying parts of trees and bushes; forest debris to decompose and give food back to the soil; a place for many small creatures to live; food for tiny fungi; an ingredient used in Manc rituals and ceremonies. The user may then mistakingly decide that piles of leaves are all Manc ingrediants, and not just the Tarse leaves. If the Property Telling was used just upon a single leaf, then only its properties would be explained.This Manc does not suggest other uses for a target item,  merely the uses it was designed or intended for. A Property Telling scroll would never list a table knife with the property: Weapon, for example, whereas a dagger of the same size, weight, and looks, would. This Manc does not inform the user of how to use or retrieve a property of an item.

The number of properties explained is determined by the Level of the Mancer that created the scroll of Property Telling. Level 1-2 = 1 property, 3-5 = 2 properties, 6-9 = 3 properties, 10-15 = 4 properties, 16-20 = 5 properties, 21-25 = 6 properties, 26+ = 7 properties. Some target items may have less than the properties told, in which case it lists them only. A wand with Sleep upon it, for example, would list the properties as: An item used to imbue Manc within; Sleep Manc to cause targets to fall asleep; 4 Sleep Manc charges, even if the Property Telling Mancer was Level 21.

When used the spell upon the scroll fades when successfully read and the properties are then lsited. If there are so many properties that they can not be fitted upon the scroll, the scroll will merely inform the user that the target item has 'Other properties'. The scroll lists first the primary function of the target item and then other properties in an order of their power (in the case of Manc), the order of their ease (in the case of equipment or weapons and such), or the order as designated by the user when using the scroll. Designating an order must be carefully thought through, as the scroll works literally and if not well worded the properties listed could be misunderstood or misleading to the user. While Charges remain upon the scroll, once the user has finished with the property list upon the scroll, the list will vanish and the scrolls spell returns, ready for a further use. Once all Charges are used from the scroll the spell does not return upon the scroll.

A Banish Manc or Restoration will remove this Manc from the scroll, but the scroll will remain Maiden. If destroyed there is a small energy release that could harm those wielding the scroll.

Item Creation:-

The scroll may have other traits attributed to it as chosen at creation. These traits are cumulative:-

Item Vocals:

old tongue words here
old tongue words here



See Text Level Feet See Text 1 Day 2 Movements
Other 29 24 D.O.I.

1 Round = 30 seconds