
Rope is obviously useful and in skilled hands can perform all manner of uses. This Manc gives the rope specific qualities that normal rope does not. Usually some form of animation or improvement over its normal quality, this Manc is as varied as the Mancer's imagination.

Each Rope type has its benefits and all can be combined by using the Rope Of Strength as a base Level and adding half the Level (round up) of any other type wished. The Time to create, however, is as stated and cumulative.

Any modifications to a quality are cumulative with type or other modifications. Quality modifications have the Power Levels altered as stated before being halved to add to a type combination. For example, if a Mancer were to create a Rope Of Strength with a Rope Of Climbing that has vocal commands and vertical ascension, then the vocal command and verticle ascension Power Levels are added to the Rope Of Climbing Level making it a Level 10 Manc. This is then halved to Level 5 before being added to the Rope Of Strength Level for a total of Level 9. All combinations and modifications need to be recorded under the Rope Manc.

Rope Of Strength
Often considered the base form of this Manc, it is usually the minimum desire for a Manc rope of any kind as rope is naturally vulnerable. This quality gives the rope an almost unbreakable quality, as well as a greater resistance against fire, water, ice, or cutting implements. It makes the rope invulnerable to all normal forms of these elements and items. Only Manc and Manc Weapons have the ability to cut this rope and then it is treated as if both element or Manc Weapon and the rope are normal. The tensile strength is comparatively increased also, and as such the rope can bear 10 times the normal weight that the rope would normally be able to bear. Other than its resistance to damage or effects from the elements, this rope has no other qualities. Its life is 100 times that of normal.

Rope Of Climbing
Rope is often used as a means to ascend or descend from various heights, and even used in rope ladders. This Manc causes the rope to become animated and under the user's focus and command with gestures, the rope can move of its own accord and ascend a surface, that seems sheer and can then fix itself to a sturdy hold with an expert knot. Assuming the rope is long enough, it can then be used as wished to climb up or down. Similarly, it can be used to fix itself first and then descend down a drop allowing it to be used to climb down or up. This rope can also be tied to something beforehand and then with the gestures of command lift up or lower down the item attached to it. Note that each rope type has different tensile strengths for lifting and this Manc alone does not increase that tensile strength. Also, this Manc does not give the rope any form of resistance against attack, rubbing and fraying from friction, or the elements. The user can also gesture a command for the rope to untie it knot and move towards the user for gathering up.

The rope must always be mostly within sight of the user, as focus and command gestures are required. Should the user forget the rope, or move more than 3 times the length of the rope away without commanding it to wait, the Rope Of Climbing will fall to the floor or fall limp if fixed above as normal rope would. Upon returning within range, the user would 'feel' the rope nearby and could once again command it as wished, assuming it was in sight.

The rope can be commanded, with gestures, to move in almost any direction, but it is limited to simple vertical or horizontal movements and can not perform complex manoeuvres or shapes. The rope is too slow to be used to catch a fleeing victim, but it could be used to tie itself to an unconscious or permitting victim and then either be lifted, lowered, or dragged at the user's gestured command.

By adding an extra Power Level at creation, this rope can be commanded by vocals as well as gestures. By adding +2 Power Levels (cumulative) this rope can ascend vertically without the need for a surface to touch, seemingly heading straight up into the air, and can also curl its end and with a simple hopping on with one or both feet, can lift the user up as wished, even beyond its fixed point above. This is useful for lookouts or to reach high places suspended above without any obvious route to them. the rope will require approximately 4 feet to both secure itself to lift and the curved bottom upon which the user can stand. For example a user who stands 6 feet tall with arms upward has a reach of approximately 8 feet. Assuming they have a 50 foot Rope Of Climbing, they could command this to lift them up to its maximum of 46 feet, meaning they could conceivably reach 54 feet (50-4 foot curved and fixed +8 their own reach) into the air. Likewise, they could use this technique to have the Rope Of Climbing ascend a tree and fix itself at its maximum, and then lift the user up as already described, giving the user an effective doubling of height of the rope (remembering the 4 feet used for fixing and curling as this four feet can not be modified, it seems to be the minimum needed to accomplish the task, regardless of size or weight of the user being lifted or the amount of rope needed to fix itself).

Rope Of Finding
This is a most useful rope for sending off to find something that the user defines at the sending. The target to be found must be simply described in as few words as is possible. Commanding the rope to find a candlestick will cause it to head off and find the first one it finds. Commanding it to find a wooden candlestick means it will ignore any it touches and finds not to be made of wood. Commanding it to find the heaviest candlestick would mean as soon as if finds two candlesticks it will judge the weight of both and bring the heavier, it will not seek out a third to determine the heaviest of the three. If commanded to find a lightsource, it may bring anything within its range that may accomplish this task, such as a candlestick, torch, lantern, oil, flint, steel, paper, wood, and such like items. It will not bring back a lighted item unless commanded specifically to do so, nor will it bring back multiple items to accomplish the command. The command is taken literally and the rope will return with the first item that matches its command.

The maximum range that this rope can be commanded off to is equal to the Level of the creating Mancer in miles, assuming no natural barrier stops it path. Natural barriers could be walls, cliffs, fires, large bodies of fast-flowing water, closed doors, and other similar obstacles. Once on its way the rope is on its own. If the user wishes and can reach the rope they may cancel the command and retrieve the rope or give it a new command. Only one command can be given at any one time, new commands are ignored until the rope's current command is canceled.

When it finds its target the rope will bind itself in a manner that does the least damage to the target and then return to the user, usually by the same route. It will somewhat protect the target by keeping it off the floor as it travels along, but does not have the intelligence to avoid such things as attacking creatures, or environmental conditions that could damage the target. In the previous example of a lightsource, if it had found a burning torch, it may try and return it, but if its route carried it through a body of water, it would return with a snuffed, wet torch. The rope can only drag or carry something that its normal strength could lift or drag.

This rope is not an attacking rope and is not fast enough to grab and drag a target victim back to the user. However, adding +3 Power Levels allows the user to travel with the rope in their mind. Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or feeling as if they were the rope. Only one sense can be chosen at each command. By this method, the user is in control of the rope and can make intelligent decisions and even the route to take, wait to avoid passing creatures, or even grab with speed a target victim. This grab is a simple wrap around a limb and hold firm, it is not an entanglement. The drawback with this command, however, is the user is totally focused and while traveling as the rope can do nothing else, their mind is out of their body. Should the user be disturbed during this time, the rope will stop until the user once again continues their focused guidance. Also any damage to the rope is felt by the user, causing them an appropriate Save or they will find their link to the rope lost and the rope will become inactive until the user again finds the rope and commands it. The user does not suffer the damage dealt to the rope, but feels the damaging effect of it. They would feel burning if it entered fire, feel the effects (but not actually suffer them) of a deadly poison if the rope was bitten by a snake, feel the cold of passing through snow or water, and feel the slash of a blade if the rope was cut.

Rope Of Entanglement
This rope is an attack device. The rope can move at a substantial speed, similar to that of a wolf or deer. The movements of the rope could be described as snake or tentacle-like. The user commands it with a gesture or vocal command and directs it at a target. Once directed, the rope then has its own cognizance and will endeavor to reach its target and then entangle it. The rope can cause pain if the victim struggles too much, but does not mean to do so. It merely tries to entangle the target and keep it restrained. The rope has a strength equal to its normal quality or improved quality. It can wrap and tie itself around the target victim and almost become a self-made net. Once subdued the rope will merely hold its target until commanded by the user to release it.

The rope can not be commanded to do more than entrap a target. It can not move the target, lift the target or the user, unless combined with other qualities of Rope. At a single command the rope untangles and becomes simple rope again. The rope can be commanded to entangle as many targets as its size, strength, and length allows.

By adding +4 Power Levels, the rope can be left as a guardian trap. Laying simply on the floor it can after specific commands, entangle a specific target as it passes within range, or over it.

Item Creation:-

The Maiden Time is for the rope should it somehow have the Manc removed from it.

Item Vocals:

old tongue words here
old tongue words here

Rope Of Strength
P P - See Text 1 Day 3 Movements
Rope Of Climbing
P - See Text 1 Day 2 Movements
Rope Of Finding
5 P
- See Text 2 Days 1 Day
Rope Of Entanglement


P P - See Text 2 Days 1 Day
Other 15 12 D.O.I.

1 Round = 30 seconds