
Having a fully-trained beast is an expensive, time-consuming, and skillful procedure. Some beasts do not respond well to the domination of another's commands and Mind Control necessitates communication somehow for commands to work. Nuvrassu controls an animal without the need for language or communication and forces that beast to act as a draw animal, pull a vehicle such as a cart or chariot, or carry items as a pack animal. The animal still retains its natural character and traits and may attempt to respond to situations as it would normally, but a simple command from the caster forces the animal to go against its natural instincts and obey the caster's guidance. This Manc will not allow the beast to be a mount, unless it has already been trained to carry a rider. This Manc will not force a creature to do things, go places, or act differently to other creatures or situations than is normal for the beast, but it will ensure it behaves appropriately to make its burden work as best as it can.

The creature yoked in this way will only respond favourably to the caster, but can be commanded to be calm when laden with goods, or attached to a wagon by the caster. It will remain calm whilst the caster places harnesses or baggage etc. upon it and secures them, and then be commanded to move off. The creature gets to resist at first casting with a Save Vs Manc, and another Save may be made if placed in any wituation where it would normally react dramatically. Success means the beast returns to normal and may then act accordingly as it wishes. Failure means the beast remains yoked and follows the caster's commands. Instinctive animals have no save, but will only perform the most basic of commands. Animal-Intelligence creatures behave as the Manc dictates. Above Animal-Intelligent creatures may gain a bonus of +5 to their Saves. High-Intellect creatures, or race creatures are unaffected by theis Manc, unless first removed of their intellgence. Undead creatures are also unaffected by the Manc.

The yoked animal must still be ordered or guided to operate how the caster wishes. This Manc does not give the creature omnipotence of the caster's wishes, but allows the beast to be used by the user as already explained.

Animals chosen for various tasks must be considered for their appropriateness to the task. Yoking a water-dwelling creature to carry baggage is fine as long as it does not need to submerge at some point, for should it do so it may damage or destroy the baggage carried. Similarly, yoking a weak animal to a heavy wagon would achieve nothing. The advantage of Nuvrassu is that the beast acts as if fully traqined in its task and does not need the correct commands from the caster, as the commands given must be logical, but the creature obeys what the caster says and means, the caster need not be fully versed in the normal words used to achieve those results. I.e. 'giddy-up', 'woah!', 'trot-on', etc. need not be used but 'move forward', 'halt!', or 'move faster' may all be utilized instead.

Only a single animal is targeted by this Manc, so mulitple castings are needed to team-up several animals, and each would get a SaveVs Manc. Teaming two different, usually opposing beasts, such as a wolf and a deer, would result in continuous Saves from each animal every Round as their instincts would continuallyfight to flee or attack as appropriate.

Once the Duration has ended the animal returns to it's natural state, so it is important that the caster release the beast before this time. Non-aggressive creatures usually simply flee once released. Agressive predators should be abandoned before the Duration endsto give time for the caster to leave the vacinity. All beasts recovered from this Manc normally return to the most suitable habitat, however, careless use of this Manc has caused some beasts to cause havos once they have been abandoned. Poor judgement on behalf of the caster has even resulted in the death of the caster once the beast recovered.

Banish Manc, Restoration, Free Movement, True Seeing all remove the animal from the affects of Yoke Animal.

Spell Casting:-


old tongue words here
old tongue words here

Item Creation:-

The scroll has two castings, each repeated on either side of the scroll and affects a number of creatures that hear the caster equal to the caster's Level.

The rod may also touch the beast to cast the Manc and gives a penalty to the beast's Save Vs Manc of -1 per 4 Levels of the caster.

Ribbon must be tied onto the creature somewhere it does not interfere or irritate the creature. Once tied on and the Maqnc cast, the ribbon is active. If removed before the Duration has ended the Manc immidately ends. The ribbon may be of any material, colour, design, or size.

The yoke is either a single or double yoke, and the Mancer must partake in its construction somehow, perhaps in carving, forging, or simple adornment with symbls etc. It is permanent while it is worn by the animal or pair of animals. Should the yoke be removed of this Manc, it still retains the aura of Manc and counts as being Maiden for the re-imbuing of this Manc. It may be of any construction or design, but must at least vaguely fit the animal being yoked.

Item Vocals:

old tongue words here
old tongue words here

Level in Passages Touch
Tied onto beast
2 Passages
1 Passage
Spell 5 4 3
Level in Passages 80 Feet L.O.S. 1 Movement -
Level in Passages 60 Feet
1 Movement
2 Passages
Level in Passages 100 Feet
6 Passages
4 Passages
Level in Passages Hearing
Level x creatures
2 Movements
Level in Passages 120 Feet, Touch
1 Day
3 Movements


11 P P Touch Worn by animal 2 Days 1 Day
Other 19

1 Round = 30 seconds