Physical description
Growth and development
Leaders and society
Language Weapons
Music Statistics

The average Corvan is dusky or swarthy and around 5 feet 8 to 5 feet 11 in height, females being a little shorter than the males. Weight is from 114 to 170 pounds with females anything up to 14 pounds lighter or heavier. Black hair tends to be course, dirty and unkempt, or shaven completely. Moustaches are becoming more common amongst the lower factions of Corvan society.

The area of Corvan activity is centered around the town of Cran Atlak by the West Lake, Following the River Corvan south to it's end and then crossing northwards to the River Low and around the top of Cranat Wood. The Cranat wood and River Corvan are their territory whilst the West Lake belongs to the Galanir' Forest and the River Low is partly owned by Feldmore. Corvan rarely leave their area and are as yet in such small numbers they have only a few settlements out side of Cran Atlak itself.

Corvan are generally monogamous but some Corvan in positions of authority or with social standing do have many women folk and the lord can always call upon any woman in the town to be his for the night, as servant and entertainment. Females can produce between one to four young, with one or two being typical. Young take around ten years to mature and begin training in their father's trades or join the militia. Corvan can live almost anywhere being skilled in foraging and scavenging enough food and water, they are hardy folk but suffer from short lives and a limited resistance to disease or pestilence when compared to many other races. The average life span of a Corvan is between 45-63, dependent on the environment in which they live and their profession. Females are the same as males in this context although due to mistreatment often die younger. Children are also treated harshly and many either die young or suffer some accident resulting in a poorly set bone, crippling them for life.

The Corvan society is based around wealth, strength and prestige. The Lord of Cran Atlak is the descendent of old leaders before Cran Atlak was founded, he maintains his position through devoted body guards and accumulated wealth, he taxes heavily and the people can always be bought into his favour if need be. The Lord of Cran Atlak is also one of the most shrewd of Corvan, and maintains the highest esteem in appearance and status. Below the Lord are the Godgi or 'Barons of Blood' in the common tongue. These have the benefit of the Lord's favour and thereby hold others in their grasp. They tend to be harsh and ruthless, as any misjudgment or loss of favour from the Lord can result in a quick removal of office and possible loss of life. Replacement Godgi are frequent and chosen from the militia. It is the militia which are the next lowest social level, they live in poor homesteads but may have several rooms and benefit from their time as guards and soldier by receiving grants of food and other forms of wealth, often they keep farming in case they should lose their coveted place in the rank and file. The poorest of Corvan society are the common folk, by and large making up the greatest numbers in any settlement they are however, severely repressed and mis-informed as to the outside world. They live in dirt-floored, single story, one-roomed shacks or cabins, often in winter bringing in their prized animals. Dirt and disease abound through these homes and occasional plagues are treated with mass burnings.

Weapons are generally poor standards of typical weapon types. Having a less than good quality form of smithy, most Corven weapons are variable and unreliable. Swords, axes, crossbows and polearms are the normal weapons of choice for a Corven. Weapon Statistics

Corvanish is their language, they have many dialects however, and so language diversity is becoming a problem for northern and southern Corvans, making trade harder. Corvanish does have a written language as well but not even the Godgi are obliged to use it, as almost all commands are given verbally, Corvanish also makes much use of marks and scratches to cover many common phrases or terms. Each Godgi has a personal Trac with their own mark upon it which serves as their trade proof, status proof and mark of authority. Many animal brands are used for this personal mark.

Corvan music is stifled to only somber drones and chants, and some religious callings, they make use only of drums and horns, usually for calling together the common folk or for battle purposes. Singing and other music is forbidden, although the Lord may accept bards into his household if he wishes it. Bards are generally considered spies and evil wrongdoers and cast out quickly before they can spread word of better comfort in other towns not of Corvan origin.

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