After a battle, characters who have sustained physical damage must tend to their wounds. Medical treatment can be administered by fellow characters with First Aid, Paramedic, and other medical skills, or by trained medical personnel,or even by the character themselves if they have the appropriate medical skill and are not too injured.

This is fine for minor wounds, but serious wounds, such as broken bones, gunshot wounds, or internal injuries,will require professional treatment (or magic or psionic healing).

Note: Unless a character's blood loss is stopped, they will continue to lose blood and suffer damage at the rate of 1 Hit Point (or 1 M.D.C. point of a Mega-Damage being) per minute. This occurs if the injury specifically causes blood loss (loss of a leg, burst artery etc.) or when Hit Points have reached half of maximum (if appropriate).

When all Hit Points are reduced to 0, the character falls into a coma and hovers neat death.

Non-Professional Treatment
2 Hit Points and 4 S.D.C. per day (24 hour). This is basic first aid-type treatment by oneself or non-medically trained people.

Professional Treatment
2 Hit Points per day for the first 2 days, and 4 per day thereafter, until all Hit Points are recovered. 6 S.D.C. points per day. This is medical treatment from a doctor, clinic, or hospital.

Surviving Coma And Death

When a character's Hit Points