This is an advanced form of self-defense and unarmed combat usually taught to comandos. It costs two of the character's skill selections to learn.

This is the fighting style taught to police officers, soldiers, bodyguards, thieves, and anybody else who will be expected tolive by violence. While it lacks the mastery of the Hand To Hand: Martial Arts, an Expert fighter knows how to scrap quickly and efficiently. At high levels, especially, those with this skill can often hold their own against dedicated masters of the martial arts.

Note: Expert combat training enables the character to use any basic/common attacks, including Punch, Elbow, Kick, Knee, Disarm, Dodge, Entangle, Body Block/Tackle, Body Flip/Throw, Roll with Impact, Power Punch, Power Kick, and Pull Punch, and even some martial art moves, but unless noted below, the character does not have special moves or martial art attacks such as Automatic Dodge, Back Flip, Holds, Karate Punches, Leap Kick, or other moves.

Prerequisites: None.
Base Skill: NA
Per Experience Level: NA