The Canister E-Clip, or CE-Clip, is an advanced version of the common power source for high-technology devices and weapons. Designed by, and currently unique to, the Coaltion this innovation is only suitable for a few weapons, specially designed to accept this new clip. Each weapon uses the charge in a Canister E-Clip at different rates and in some cases different ways. Generally, most weapons have a set number of shots that they gain with any form of E-Clip, the canister is in addition to a normal E-Clip (or Long E-Clip). After the Canister E-Clip has made shots available to it, it will require recharging.

Recharging a Canister E-Clip should be only undertaken at a Coalition recharging station in a coalition base. It is considered ilegal to try and charge a CE-Clip without full authority to do so. Of course, the Black Market may be able to offer ilegal means to recharge a CE-Clip, but for a price. It is also possible for a character with the Weapons Engineer Skill to recharge a Canister E-Clip given access to the correct equipment and a power source to charge from. The time taken to recharge a Canister E-Clip depends on the power of the power source and the efficiency of the recharging equipment. (By default, an empty Canister E-Clip takes around 1D6 hours to recharge at a recharging station, and possibly 1D12+1 hours when just using only scavenged parts, with a power source and Weapons Engineer skill only.)

Weight: 5oz (142g)
Cost: New, fully-charged: 10,000 credits. Old, fully-charged: 8,000 credits. Old, empty clip: 6,000 credits.
Recharging Cost: 2,300 credits.
Note: All costs are +/- 10%-30% depending on scarcity, location, and power sources available.