It has been said by non-cairgroms that the beardmount was bred by Cairngroms from a small mountain pez and a mountain goat. Cairngroms deny this, and claim that the pez appeared on the top of a mountain when the Seven Fathers gave the steed to a Cairngrom hero in need of a trusty mount and that all other pez come from those that left the mountains. In Cairngromic the small pez is called a Caddon. In the Bairn mountains, Caddon are bred and released to breed wild on the mountainous slopes. Here they develop their Sleep coats and become far shaggier, the hair of which is used for many things.

They have all the characteristics of normal pez but have been specially bred to be ridden and carry very heavy loads. Suitable for travel on any terrain they are as sure footed as any goat, having split hooveswhich are cushioned underneathfor better grip, but hardened on the outside for good road travel. They need not be shod. Typical in form and looks to most pez they are far from typical in height or temperament, being only 10-12 hands tall and as stubborn as any mule.

Caddon have amazing stamina, although they are not known for their speed or intelligence, they are not stupid, but are as bright as any other pez. For their size they are immensly strong, comparing with cart pez and giant pez, and their dexterity is greater than imagined for they are good jumpers and leapers, for travel across the mountainsides. With new riders they are stubborn and difficult, but once they gain confidence in their rider they can be very dependable.They also have distinct red eyes, which many believe gives them nightvision, but it does not, the beardmount has low-light vison, excellent hearing and vibration sense.


ABV: 25
1D12 +4 (8)
1D30 +85 (110)
2D30 +120 (140)
1D30 + 125 (140)
10-12 hands (11 hands)
800-1,300 lbs. (10 hands = 800 lbs., 11 hands = 1,000 lbs. 12 hands = 1,300 lbs.)
Carry Capacity:
30% of weight in lbs. + 1 lb. per point of STR over 130 max
Hard Pull Weight [rough ground, no wheels]: Carry Capacity x 2 max
Easy Pull Weight [paved road, wheeled load]: Carry Capacity x 2D4 max
All varieties
Markings: All varieties

For each point of INT over 6 roll 1D100: 1-77 = Nothing; 78-91 = Trait; 92-96 = Bad Habit; 97-100 = Trick. Automatically gains the Trait: Recognise Owner, Leaper, the Trick: Whistle Call, and the Bad Habit: Stubborn.


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