Physical description
Growth and development
Leaders Society Language
Music Dwellings Statistics

Woodfolk are many and varied. Farin are diminutive woodfolk that have a clear relation to some of the forest creatures along which they reside. Although imbued with natural Manc, they rarely utilise their gifts for harm, but retain them for purposes of joy.

At 3-4 feet tall, they are thin limbed and long necked. they have a serevmen-like torso and arms but their legs are those common to a goat. Covered in goat-like fur they are strong and end in two-toed hooves.They sport small tails on their rear ends. Their heads are child-like, despite some males sporting beards. Small mouths but large eyes of almost any colour make them seem permanently surprised. A variety of nose shapes and sizes can make them look beautiful through to ugly although their sense of smell is acute. Curly hair rests upon their heads, the same colour as their leg fur, which can be black, dark brown, reddish brown or light tan. As they age they become paler and bushier. Two small horns jut from beneath their hair, usually towards the front of the head, eye wide. They also have, on their heads, two forward-facing, large and pointed ears, and these are acute. They have small pointed teeth, but many are fixed together resulting in only up to ten teeth in total. Their tongues are bright pink or pale blue and although not unusually long, they are rather thin.
Males, called farins, have bare, hairy chests, whilst females, called farinlees, have fur-covered chests with four small teats.

Farin walk with a careful, foot-sure step in uneven terrain, especially through undergrowth and can sneak very well when in such terrain. They can also skip at high speed over easy terrain. Water, however, is their antithesis environment. Due to their legs becoming very water logged, once submerged they tend to lose their footing in running water, and hate being submerged in any water.

Farinlee, give off an almost undetectable odour when in season. This is easily noticed by farin males, however. Each farinlee has her own distinctive odour and it carries for some feet at the height of their season.

A season may last between 2-12 days and is partly determined by any males the farinlee may find attractive, with the longer duration indicating such. Farins that notice this odour, are always slightly aroused by it, but generally only if the farinlee has already shown an interest would a farin respond to the odour. This they do with gifts or songs etc.

When farins mate it is a gentle affair, but does not take a long time. They can mate at any time of the Dodecate, but chances of impregnation are almost guarenteed when in season. Gestation lasts 20 Pentawaeks, but show little sign of it. 1-4 young are born and 80% are male.

Once the baby has been born, a relatively easy affair compared to serevmen birth, the baby, or fublings, is tiny, usually a pound or so in weight, and a tiny version of their parents, but with horny lumps instead of horns. As they reach 3-5 Dodecates are are called fubs and given a nickname. A fub is considered an adult once it reaches 12-15 Dodecates where they lose their childish descriptive and gain a true name, which may be the same or similar to their fub name.

The farin community has an elder as a ruling hierarchy called the C'Tcha, but not like a king or mayor, more as an adjudicator, an individual who sits in on discussions or quarrels and helps keep things calm and running smoothly, these are called the C'Tcha Head. When this C'Tcha needs some mediator then another will stand in, agreed upon by the community that have no part in those discussions or disagreements.

They live in communities of between 30-100, but individuals often go on gathering trips for Waeks at a time. Although they live in communities they are quite individual and as much at home alone as enjoying music and dance with their peers and family.

Farins speak in a slightly squeaky voice, but it is laced with a slight quaver or tremour when they are excited or scared, but they are also quite good at imitating animal sounds and other sounds, but not other voices.

Music is important to farin society, as it helps form strong bonds between them all. They make and play all maner of musical instruments


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