
Creatures of immense size that, mostly, resemble serevmen more than almost any other race. Usually composed of soem element, they are regarded by some as Elementals, which have grown into an advanced stage of development and become a race in their own right. They share many things in common with serevmen, which casts a little doubt upon the Elemental thesis, however, they nearly all have to consume food and need nutrient or some element to survive.

Giants range across the whole of Lawner, but due to their strangeness and indifference, or their hostility to smaller races, they keep to themselves as best they can. They hunt or find their own food and shelter. Most other creatures shun or fear them, and most giants see all other animals and most other races as a source of food.

The more removed from the civilisation of others the more primative their lifestyle becomes and therefore the more primitive their accutrements and belongings. Some do, however, forge their own tools and weapons and fashion themselves their own homes.

Surviving on the edges of life they themselves often fear the strange and unusual, more often than not responding with an attack, or at least some show of strength.

Their alignments range from the blackest Evil to the purest Good. Law is usually not a part of their make-up although many are very honourable that are Good. The Evil ones are the most ruthless and treacherous.

Their builds and heights also vary as does their visage. Some giants are merely tall serevmen, perhaps ten feet tall or so, while others can be as tall as two hundred feet from foot to the top of their head.

Males and females tend to be the case and occasional meetings result in almost successful mating every time.

The known giants that have existed at any time are:-

  • Xat
  • Vahin (Ice-Witches)
  • Julikmoorn (Oger)
  • Sivusar (Light)
  • Tivusar (Gem)
  • Behemoth
  • Frevusar (Sand)
  • Bavusar (Cloud)
  • Tavusar (Storm)
  • Kamvusar (Ice)
  • Yagrish (Frost)
  • Gazvusar (Swamp)
  • Amvusar (Shade)
  • D'dacalvusar (Lava)

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