Physical description
Growth and development
Society Dwellings Language
Music Manc

Woodland folk are varied and this being is rare even among such folk. Holim are serevmen-sized or shorter beings, usually between 4-6 feet tall, and solid, rarely pot-bellied at between 12-16 stone in weight. They have goat-like legs ending in hooves, dark, curly hair that covers much of their muscled body, and long, pointed faces. Their heads are slightly too large for their frame, with wide open faces. Wide, dark eyes have an inner depth that can almost mesmerize, wide mouths may have luscious or no lips, and sharp teeth. Their ears are long and pointed, sometimes on the sides of their heads, other times almost atop their heads like rabbits. Their noses vary considerably, from long, thin, face-separating noses, to short button, almost dog-like noses. They may or may not sport two horns atop their head above their thick eyebrows. The horns are usually curly, but may be straight or arcing forwards or backwards, but whichever direction they turn, they are each twisted like a beanstalk and course brown. Their tongues are usually long and thin. Their strong-looking arms are hairy and end in large, very strong hands with black fingernails that they may keep short, or allow to grow to short claws. Unlike their similar-looking, but unrelated woodfolk the farin, holims have no tails.

Holims can be any alignment, but tend not to be lawful or truly neutral. They can learn any class, skill, or Manc that their form can allow.

Females are very rare, and are so nearly indistinguishable from males it may be that they are just not recognized. The same stature and form as males, the only difference is in their genitals and that they have slightly enlarged versions of breasts compared to the male. When a female encounters a male holim or another being that is compatible to mate with her, she may desire to do so and can use her power to seduce. Mating is passionate and energetic. She knows instantly if she has successfully mated, and can store the seed for several Pentawaeks before allowing the gestation to begin. Perhaps for as long as 7 Pentawaeks.

She will eventually be is massively bloated, almost unable to walk, so before this stage she looks for safe habitation. Once assured she has enough stores and will be secure from marauding creatures or evil beings, she allows the gestation to take effect. Once the gestation begins it happens quickly, she bloats within Waeks, usually around 4 days it is noticeable and after 25 days is undeniable. She will remain in discomfort for between 70-110 days where she will give agonizing birth to the runtling. The runtling is 82% likely to be male, but the mother cares little and treats all similarly. Fed from her breasts, or from that of a surrogate mother, either another holim, male or female, both can give milk, or from a volunteering or captured servemenoid. But the surrogate must be able to give milk naturally. Jug-fed milk or animal milks causes the runtling to wither and die over the course of a Pentawaek. Assuming all is well and the runtling is fed several times a day, it grows quickly, around 2-3 feet tall and able to run within 10 days, call for help, in a bleating, raucous way, and even begin to investigate its surrounding world. The mother is usually quite strict, for many adventurous runtlings accidentally leave their safe habitat and find themselves prey of animals or killed out of ignorance by surprised hunters or trappers. After 70 days it is around 4 feet tall and can talk in a primitive fashion, and is now very agile. Now is the time where female or male runtlings are treated differently. For the mother will confide all secrets to female runtlings, but male runtlings they divulge little. Any present male holims will usually, perhaps through instinct, begin to favour a male runtling over a female, and they divulge the runtlings future to them. These secrets or futures are the skills, crafts, and explanations of their possible traits that they may develop when matured. It is their training needed to become successful holims.

At 140 days the runtling has become a holim, full-grown and after being given a gift from their parent, or parents, they are abandoned by such. They, themselves, feel less and less attachment to their parents as they reach this stage and become argumentative, difficult and more and more adventurous. Once they have been abandoned, or they have left of their own volition, they are considered holim. It is also at this stage that they develop their powers and gifts and many alignments morph to fit these traits at this time.

Holims live from this start of adulthood until a great age. They are not immortal but can live for up to a Pentacade or such. As they age, their powers and abilities grow, and their amassing of knowledge can make them great scholars, almost by accident.

If a male holim copulates with a female of another race, there is a 40% chance it will be pure holim, otherwise it is normal to that race, although it may be thin and pointed in looks and have an interest or calling towards the woodlands or wilderness. Gestation is normal for that race or half the normal time if pure holim (assuming normal gestation is longer than that of a holim).

Holims are by nature solitary creatures, but are very gregarious when encountering others. They are charming, even the evil ones, and love the game of flirting, bantering, debating, or seducing. Holims make no society of their own, although two or more may reside in the same complex for shelter when seasonal weather is bad, or if dangerous creatures are currently in the area. Aside from this mutual protection, holims only seek out other holims when they need something or for mating. Females and males have hungry sexual desires, but their ability to copulate with any compatible being, from serevmen, to trallish, to goats and cattle and everything in between. This does not mean they particularly desire to copulate with all these creatures, most have a limited preference, but they have successfully mated with all these creatures noted. Their intelligence allows them to get on with whomever they wish to, and they can be cunning in disguise and in using their glamour abilities. They have been discovered living among other races for many Dodecates, often only their long lives giving them away, unless they are careful. Holims have no hierarchy beyond that of respect for age or achievement. Older holims are considered very successful and as their powers increase with age and time, they are usually very powerful.

Holims rarely like to ride mounts, travel in long river journeys, or levitate. They also avoid breaking the law when living in a settlement, as any form of arrest or confinement to a single room makes them depressed and unpredictable.

Holims use any armour, weapons, Manc as they wish, and as long it is suitable for their form and size. Holims never manufacture their own equipment except in desperate situations. They prefer barter, trade, or stealing to acquire such items. They prefer ranged weapons, especially bolas, nets, slings, and bows. For melee they prefer spears, staves, or flails. Most armour interfers with their Plant Master power so avoid it, but may utilize it if the situation requires.

Holims will reside in built houses, trees, caves and tunnels, dells, deep forests, or anywhere that is safe, is near to resources and has a natural connection. They would not feel at home, for example, in a tower on a small rocky island. They usually sleep on beds, but appreciate the softness of blankets and such. When they do live alone, it is commonly within a days travel of another society, else they become saddened and more mischievous.

Their power allows them to speak any language given a short exposure to it, including being able to read simple languages, but their own language is called Chue-Gorth or Deepwood in Common. This language is only a spoken language and is guttural, slightly bleating, and smooth. Their written language, for some unknown reason, is borrowed from Galandrin, but Old Tongue is also often used as a base written language. Some holims have so little exposure to Chue-Gorth that they almost lose its use.

Holims are very musical, like the galaniŕ they enjoy a good feast or singing circle and are often attracted into wood camps if they are reveling. Skilled in learning music by ear, they are expert whistlers, pipers, drummers, and have a beautiful singing voice. Given the chance they will often learn many instruments and build up a memory-committed song book of ditties, ballads, and poems.

Holims are naturally Manc creatures and give off an aura similar to a Level 2 Mancer (druid-like), regardless of their power. Holims have a range of natural abilities and Lore or Manc-like powers:-


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