Archers are people trained in the use of bows, but can also include slingers, crossbowers, and any other ranged missile weapon using type. Only an Archer gets the skill and Attribute bonuses in this section, however, all others must use the Trader profession.

Archers may well have other weapon skills but these are not obligatory and are not awarded any bonuses or suffer any penalties due to class.

Archers tend to practice good eyesight, steady nerves and strong arms. their STR bonus reflects this and their END bonus reflects their ability to maintain pull on a heavy draw bow.

There are two main kinds of archer, those who have learnt their skill from their parents or another archer as they grew up, to hunt or defend the village, and those who joined a military force and were trained to use the bow along with other similarly trained archers to give volley fire and other forms of shot to an enemy in battle. The difference is slight, but hunter types tend towards the short bow, with individualised, self-made or custom-made bows. Military-trained archers tend towards the long bow, and will be given a bow, one of many made in great numbers, which may or may not be quite right for them. Either class using the other type of bow may find themselves penalised when doing so, until they have become accustomed to such a bow.

Apart from their bow, arrows must be carried, along with spare bowstrings and some form of repair and maintenance equipment. Other weapons or equipment may be carried as wished. there are no restrictions on armour other than full armour, and a clear view from a helmet is essential. In addition to normal XP gained for mêlée weapons archers also gain the Weapon Use Bonus that applies to all classes.

Common deities worshipped by Archers include: Meter, Enos, Tamour-Brun, Trador.

Lesser-worshipped deities include: Dythos, Elthanharna.


Bow Hunter 1 0 +0/+0 +15 +20 +25 +15 Fire 2 arrows/Rnd
Archer 2 3,000 +0/+1 0 0 0 0 Fire 3 arrows/Rnd
+5 Fletching*
Adept Archer 3 6,000 +1/+0 +1 +1 +1 +1 50% chance of 4th arrow/Rnd
+5 Fletching*
Sharpshooter 4 12,000 +1/+0 +2 +4 +1 +2 Fire 4 arrows/Rnd
+5 Fletching*
Bowsmith 5 18,000 +1/+0 +2 +4 +2 +3 50% chance of 5th arrow/Rnd
+10 Fletching*
Master Bowsmith 6 25,000 +1/+2 0 +3 +2 +2 Fire 6 arrows/Rnd
+5 Fletching*

Note: All bonuses/penalties are cumulative
* = Must already have this ability to gain this bonus

Death Penalty: Loss of 1 Level and all bonuses for that Level


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