A cyborg is the synthesis - the combination - of man and machine. Creating a cyborg always starts with a living person who is about to undergo the ultimate 'extreme make-over.'

The procedure is gruesome and grueling. The arms and legs are surgically removed, leaving only the trunk and head of the body. As a rule, the internal organs are replaced with superior bionic ones that can take heavy exertion and physical punishment. The spine may also be replaced with a sturdy metal one. Even the head is usually cracked open, and the brain and skin removed. The brain is put into a reinforced, M.D.C. alloy skull. The artificial head may be constructed to replicate the subject's original face or changed and improved to look more handsome or beautiful, or to look completely different. If the original face is being kept, the original skin may also be kept, but typically a life-like artificial skin is layered over the mechanical head and connected to artificial blood vessels to keep it alive. This is the most real and human approach. However, if the person does not care about looking human or can not afford the most life-like procedure, a cheaper artificial plastic skin may be layered over the mechanical face, or the person may opt to leave the robot face without any human features. An outer, mechanical face plate or helmet is usually worn over the head anyway, to protect the living brain inside the skull and to protect the delicate bionic optic systems in the eye sockets. Note: most people, 80%, elect to have some type of human face (or whatever their natural features were), because they still think of themselves as human, and the face reminds them of who they are. It also helps keep the cyborg connected to their humanity. The rest of the organic body is discarded or sold as transplant organs.

After the trunk has been reinforced, it's internal organs replaced with bionic ones (including the heart and lungs), and even the bones and rib cage replaced with M.D.C. materials, it is ready to receive its new limbs. Bionic arms and legs are attached and connected to the human nervous system. The science of cybernetics is so advanced that the connection of these Mega-Damage machine parts to the nerve endings enables the character to control them at the speed of thought as if they were their own natural limbs. Only they are not natural limbs. They are tough and powerful bionic equivalents made from M.D.C. materials. In fact, Combat Cyborgs possess Robot Strength and can deliver a Mega-Damage punch or kick in combat, double damage when the individual winds up for a Power Punch (counts as 2 melee attacks). The bionic legs can run as fast as a motorcycle, leap 10 or 20 feet (3 to 6.1m) in the air, and the mechanical eyes (which may look human or like a camera lens) are able to see a multitude of spectrums of light, adjust to have telescopic vision, see in the dark, detect heat signatures and so on. The mechanical hands have the grip of a vice and may conceal any number of weapons and tools in the fingers, palm, or wrist. The forearm may have an extendable Vibro-Blade that slides in and out of a housing at the wrist. A blaster may be built into, or mounted on top of, the forearm; point and shoot. An exterior chest and stomach casing is usually placed around the fleshy, human part and the basic, full-conversion cyborg is complete. Other weapon systems, sensors and features may be built into the chest, arms, back, and legs, as suitable for that particular design.

Does the transformation mean the person becomes a machine? That depends on your outlook. On one hand, yes. Once built into a full cyborg body, the character can never go back to the flesh and blood they were born with. They are a machine with a human brain. On the other hand, a cyborg would tell you, no. Imagine your mind, memories, and emotions - everything you are spiritually - being put into a walking, machine body. According to most cyborgs, you're the person you were, as everything is preserved. Unlike a robot, the cyborg can appreciate the colours of a rainbow, be moved by a sunset, laugh at a joke and remember what it felt to be loved and caressed. They feel joy, fear, sorrow, anger, and hope. They love and they hate, and dream when they sleep. They are people who have given up their humanity for the power of a machine. The reasons for making such a great sacrifice vary from individual to individual. Some seek power, others respect, some want justice, others crave vengeance, some do it out of a sense of duty ( a soldier perhaps), some long to be different, others never felt comfortable in their human bodies, some think it's cool, and the list goes on.

Most cyborgs willingly give up their humanity for bionic (machine) augmentation, and believe they are prepared for their new bodies, but it is impossible to be ready for the experience. Despite sensors installed, the sensation of touch is dramatically reduced, and takes considerable time to get used to. Cyborgs also have to learn to walk without launching into a high speed run or knocking everything down around them like a bull in a china shop. Most cyborgs say that losing the human sense of touch is what they miss most out of everything. Surprisingly, the augmented, mechanical vision and audio systems are the easiest to adapt to and, after a while, they completely forget that they are not looking through human eyes or hearing with ordinary ears.

While it is true that bionic reconstruction is virtually painless, the person is giving up a portion of their humanity forever. The bionic limbs are obviously mechanical, can not be cosmetically concealed, and can never be replaced with real flesh and blood structures, only bionic ones. The psychological impact can be devastating; consequently, most willing participants in bionic reconstruction undergo a thorough psychiatric evaluation and hours of consultation to prepare them for their new life. There are those who are properly prepared to live long and happy lives, a surprising 89% are completely adjusted to life as a living machine. However, there are unscrupulous tyrants, slavers, and high-tech bandits who capture unwilling subjects for bionic conversion for use as slaves, labourers, or warriors. Of Slave-Borgs, only 32% are content with their transformation. 21% will attempt suicide repeatedly.

O.C.C. Requirements
An M.E. of 10 or higher is suggested, but not required. Alignment is irrelevant. Bionic attributes are bought and acquired, but roll as normal for I.Q., M.E., and M.A. May be used on humans, D-Bees and sub-demons such as brodkil, daemonix, gargoyles, or such. Does not work on supernatural beings, demons, creatures of magic, or any beings who can shape-change or bio-regenerate lost limbs or their entire body. Bodies of such beings reject cyber-implants and bionics.

O.C.C. Bonuses:
The combat cyborg gains any bonuses from their augmented devices and procedures. Statistics for the Full Conversion Cyborg are as follows:-

1. Size & Shape: In North America cyborgs generally have a human, bipedal shape and form, although they may sport an extra pair of arms or a modular weapon or tool for a hand. They are also usually man-sized, although that is a bit deceptive, as 'man-sized' can range from 6-10 feet (1.8-3m) tall. typically the more demanding the work or combat involved and the more armour and weapons needed (or desired), the bigger the 'Borg. Combat Cyborgs are usually 8, 9, or 10 feet (2.4-3m) tall and bristling with weapons and moving parts.

As noted earlier, the head and face are the only living thing recognizable as being human, and that is only when the protective visor, helmet, or faceplate is removed. It is interesting to note that to have a completely human face mounted into a robot mechanized body only adds to the surreal and sometimes horrific quality of the image, at least for other people, if not the 'Borg themselves.

2. M.D.C. By Location - Full Conversion Combat Cyborg:-

Additional M.D.C. may be purchased at any time throughout the character's lifetime, provided a bionics facility is available and the character has the credits. However, armour can not exceed the maximums indicated per location. Typical cost: 2,000 credits per additional point of M.D.C.

3. Arms & Hands for Combat Cyborgs (Robot P.S.):

4. Legs & Locomotion:
Typically humanoid in configuration with two legs. An estimated 98% of all Combat Cyborgs in North America opt for having a humanoid body with two legs. However, the cyborg could use treads, wheels, spider or horse type legs for locomotion. The Combat Cyborgs of Russia often have vehicular lower bodies.

5. Available Cyborg Armour Types:
Most full conversion 'Borgs also receive external body armour - M.D.C. plating specifically designed to snap onto or otherwise attach to the 'Borg's arms, legs, and artificial body to provide maximum protection. After all, one does not want the human parts damaged, because it would kill the person. /brain damage has the same effects as it would on anybody, and although the bionic, machine parts can be replaced, they are very expensive. Note: Cyborg armour is less expensive than comparable M.D.C. environmental armour because there are no environmental aspects built into them, they are simply a protective outer covering. Cyborg armour also provides superior M.D.C. because their reinforced robotic bodies can handle much greater weight and bulk than an ordinary human.

6. Number Of Additional Options & Features for Full Conversion Cyborgs (Bionic or Cybernetic Implants & Features:
These are implants, sensors, optics, audio systems and other features that can be applied to bionic limbs or the cyborg body, i.e. clock calendar, cyber-disguise, radio system, universal headjack, modular connector unit, cosmetics (human looking and feeling skin, hair, eyes, etc.) and so on. They can be purchased as upgrades and add-ons when the character has the money and a bionics facility is available. However, once a body area is maxed out, the cyborg must stop, or can replace one with another.

7. Penalties Of Full Conversion Combat Cyborgs:-

8. Cyborgs, Psionics And Magic:
A character who undergoes Partial Bionic Reconstruction will retain their psi-powers but their available I.S.P. is reduced by half. Full Conversion destroys all psionic abilities and I.S.P. Scientists do not understand why this is, but speculate that the psionic essence is somehow linked to the physical body as well as the mind.

Likewise, if the character possessed a high amount of P.P.E., or was a practitioner of magic, getting more than 2 or 3 cybernetic implants destroys their magical abilities and reduces their P.P.E. reserve by 90% (only 10% remains). No cyborg, Partial or Full Conversion, can operate Techno-Wizardy devices or practice magic.

Combat cyborgs/Full Conversion 'Borgs do enjoy a +5 bonus to Save Vs Possession, +3 bonus to Save Vs Magic, and are impervious to psionic Bio-Manipulation, Telemechanics (all), See Aura, and any attacks or weapons that do damage direct to Hit Points (they are considered a Mega-Damage being now).

Of course, since their is a human mind inside the machine body, the Combat cyborg is still vulnerable to psionic and magic mind attacks, mind control, Empathic Transmission, Telepathy, Hypnotic Suggestion, illusions and any psionic power or magic spell that affects the mind.

O.C.C. skills:

O.C.C. related skills
Select 5 at level 1, +1 additional at levels: 3, 7, 10, and 13. All new skills start at first level proficiency.

Secondary Skills
The character selects 4 of these skills at level 1, +1 at levels: 4, 8, and 12. These are additional areas of knowledge that gain no bonuses other than those from a high I.Q.. All Secondary skills start at first level.

P.P.E. Points
The character's old P.P.E. score is reduced by 90% (only 10% remains). Cybernetic implants destroys their magic abilities. No cyborg; partial or full can operate Techno-Wizardry Devices or practice magic.

The cyborg's I.S.P. is reduced by half (50%) for Partial Bionic Reconstruction. Full Conversion destroys all psionic abilities and all I.S.P. Scientists do not understand why this is, but speculate that the psionic essence is somehow linked to the physical body as well as the mind.

Standard Equipment

The Combat Cyborg receives the following starting equipment:-

Equipment Available Upon Assignment
The Combat Cyborg may be given one or more of the following equipment on specific assignments:-

The Combat Cyborg starts with 1D4x1,000 in credits/cash, and 1D4x100 in saleable Black Market items.

The Combat Cyborg starts with all the previously detailed O.C.C. bonuses and systems, plus the following:-